A noun is a word that represents a person, place, or
thing, whether concrete (e.g., chair, dog) or abstract (idea, happiness).
In French, all nouns have a gender - they are either
masculine or feminine.
The gender of some nouns makes sense
("homme" [man] is masculine, "femme" [woman] is feminine)
but others don't: the words "personne" [person] and
"victime" [victim] are always feminine, even when the person or
victim is a man.
It is very important to learn a noun's gender along
with the noun itself because articles, adjectives, some pronouns, and some
verbs have to agree with nouns; that is, they change depending on the gender of
the noun they modify.
There is no easy way to determine the gender of every
noun, and you have to remember the gender with each word. But a number of
patterns in suffixes and word endings are helpful: some tend to indicate
masculine or feminine nouns (be careful with the exceptions, that are not
listed below).
Masculine endings:
- -age, for ex: barrage (dam)
- -b, for ex: plomb (lead)
- -ble, for ex: comptable (accountant)
- -c, for ex: porc (pork)
- -cle, for ex: oncle (uncle)
- -d, for ex: pied (foot)
- -de, for ex: hybride (hybrid)
- -é, for ex: carré (square)
- -eau, for ex: manteau (coat)
- -ège, for ex: piège (trap)
- -et, for ex: poulet (chicken)
- -eur, for ex: professeur (teacher)
- -f, for ex: cerf (stag)
- -i, for ex: pari (bet)
- -ing, for ex: planning (planning)
- -isme, for ex: capitalisme (capitalism)
- -k, for ex: tank (tank)
- -l, for ex: fusil (rifle)
- -m, for ex: prénom (first name)
- -me, for ex: synonyme (synonym)
- -ment, for ex: paiement (payment)
- -n, for ex: garçon (boy)
- -o, for ex: zoo (zoo)
- -oir, for ex: couloir (lobby)
- -one, for ex: cyclone (cyclone)
- -ou, for ex: hibou (owl)
- -p, for ex: loup (wolf)
- -r, for ex: char (tank)
- -s, for ex: tapis (carpet)
- -ste, for ex: cycliste (cycler)
- -t, for ex: yacht (yacht)
- -tre, for ex: lustre (ceiling light)
- -u, for ex: aperçu (outline)
- -x, for ex: choix (choice)
Feminine endings:
- -ace, for ex: face (face)
- -ade, for ex: limonade (limonade)
- -ale, for ex: cathédrale (cathedral)
- -ance, for ex: romance (romance)
- -be, for ex: syllabe (syllable)
- -ce, for ex: force (strength)
- -e, for ex: robe (dress)
- -ée, for ex: soirée (evening/party)
- -esse, for ex: maîtresse (schoolteacher)
- -eur, for ex: chaleur (heat)
- -fe, for ex: carafe (carafe)
- -ie, for ex: poulie (pulley)
- -ière, for ex: fermière (farmer)
- -ine, for ex: piscine (swimming pool)
- -ion, for ex: éducation (education)
- -ique, for ex: logique (logic)
- -ire, for ex: baignoire (bathtub)
- -ise, for ex: franchise (franchise agreement)
- -ite, for ex: bronchite (bronchitis)
- -lle, for ex: fille (girl)
- -mme, for ex: femme (woman)
- -nde, for ex: seconde (second)
- -nne, for ex: nonne (nun)
- -ole, for ex: auréole (halo)
- -se, for ex: course (race)
- -sion, for ex: pression (pressure)
- -son, for ex: maison (house)
- -té, for ex: acidité (acidity)
- -tié, for ex: amitié (friendship)
- -tion, for ex: partition (score)
- -ue, for ex: grue (crane)
- -ule, for ex: particule (particle)
- -ure, for ex: voiture (car)
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